With most people, a vacuum cleaner isn't really aninspiring machine. If you don't care about how itworks, then you probably don't want to vacuum to startwith. At the same time, no one wants to live in a pig sty or dirty home even. These days however, things have began to change forthe better, and people's attitudes are changing aswell. Vacuum cleaners are becoming interesting andit's all thanks to James Dyson, the inventor of theDyson vacuum cleaner.
All thanks to Dyson, vacuum cleaners have taken ona personality and life of their own. These verysame tactics are even employed by the likes of Apple to successfully ploy their iMacs and iPods tothe masses have now been used with tremendous results with vacuum cleaners. Now, let's take a look at the decision that facesyou when buying a flashy vacuum cleaner. First ofall, you have the choice between the upright orcanister versions. The upright style of vacuum cleaners will require you to use them in the traditional push and pull fashion, although thelatest vacuum from Tyson, the DC15, has even turnedthis technology on its head with "Ball Technology"that will let you glide around your home with thegreatest of ease - in any direction you please.
Canister vacuum cleaners on the other hand comewith a hose attachment for great control andflexibility, as you can quickly and easily getto all of the hard to reach places. There isn'treally a lot of difference between the two, andit's mainly down to your personal preference, even though the upright vacuum is best suited tolarger carpets.
You should also consider the power of the motorand efficiency of the filtration system as well.Those that suffer from allergies will want topay close attention to the filtration. Dyson forone has been very successful by marketing thebenefits of its patented "Cyclone" technology,which doesn't use a bag nor does it ever get clogged up. If you feeling really daring and adventurous andwant to stay ahead of the curve, you could gofor one of the very popular robotic vacuum cleanerssuch as the ZA01 from Electrolux or the cheaperiRobot from Roomba. While you amuse yourself ordo other things, the robot will move around your home on it's own will, vacuuming your entire home until it is spotless. The robot even hasthe technology and intelligence to return to thebase when it is running low on battery power andrecharge itself.
If you want to be different and unique, a flashy vacuum cleaner is the way to go. There are manydifferent models and types to choose from, fromcheap vacuums to those that cost hundreds of dollars. All you have to do is meet your creativeside halfway and let the fun begin.
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