Kabuki is a traditional Japanese art of the theater. The Kabuki word is derived from kabuki Japanese of the word that means the vanguardista or strange theater. Kabukimono was the young people who rebellious and were used to get dressed strange. Because the characters of kanji sing and dance, kabuki also means the art of the song and the dance.
This work has been to force with during time. Kabuki that now we testified is not the same what was before. The founder of this art was Okuni, that was one young lady who served a sintoĆsta chapel named Lzumo Taisha. She gained the attention totally adapting a new form of the dance in the theaters in the dry beds of
Then Kabuki became a field of the art for the matured men. These men put in more effort to remove to collation the reputation from kabuki. They knew the men who realized the paper of women like Oyama or Onnagata. Basically there were two types of named Aragoto paper or rough style and tojuro of Wagoto or Sakata. Kabuki of Yaro or kabuki of the men was the streamlined version and the humorous theater of Kyogen was a very influential factor then was very popular.
The artists of kabuki used detailed maquillaje. The character of Aragoto or the imprudent character of the soldier has a pomposo paper with the shining clothes and the noisy maquillaje. The style is noisy and exaggerated and also implies more action. In the opposite Wagoto it is a paper worked with delivery and decent gestures of the dialog.
The period of Genroku demonstrated more interest in the arts of Kabuki. It had begun to be realized in formal theaters. Chikamatsu Monzaemon was the first dramatist met kabuki and later produced many other famous works. Their works turned around the tragic-Romance where the lovers used to the suicide in the end. Many followed this subject that forced the authorities to put an interdiction in such classes of known games as Shinju monkey. After few years of success kabuki was assumed the control by Bunraku or Puppetry. This was due to the increase in the number of dramatists of Bunraku.
But after the defeat of the empire of Tokugawa Shogunate in kabuki arts 1868 gave back the complete form to him. An operation of kabuki was done initially in front of king Meiji. It took his interest in the first case. Many theaters of kabuki were removed to collation during that was.
During World War II many theaters were lost during the bombing and an interdiction was imposed in kabuki. But in 1947, the operations of kabuki began again with the elevation of the interdiction and again began to prosper through country.
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