The classic ballet is a type of ballet. The training in classic ballet requires the care for the vigorous training hard and a lower body. The styles of the training of the classic ballet can be divided in seven types. Most famous they are Vaganova or Russian method, Balanchine or American method, the real or English method, Cecchetti or the Italian method, real academy of method of the dance.
The dancers use generally average white, blacks, pink and color meat and leotard. The styles and the colors of leotard can vary according to the argument. The clothes of leotard have named after the French Leotard of Julio of the acrobat who made it famous. The shoes used by the dancers are very important because they will have a direct hit in the feet of the dancer and can also cause damage to them. During the diverse course of time classes of shoes have become for the ballet dancers. The dancers make to work in well-known the smooth shoes of the technique at the outset something like flat shoes. Once the bones are more fragile and have not gotten to be strong and quite mature the dancers make to practice in the shoes of Pointe. The tutĂș is not a necessity although ganchillo of the shelter can be used to bring in rights with the skirt ordinate.
The shoes of Pointe, sometimes if used correctly and in appropriate time they cannot cause to intense damage and incapacity to the dancer especially if the dance becomes of high impact. Before beginning to use them, he is very essential to obtain a careful diagnosis of the structure of the bone done by the doctors. Although the amaestradores of the ballet could be of a certain aid but they cannot surpass the doctors who are more familiar with the anatomy of the body. The hardness of the bones not only of ankles, but also the knees, the hips, the arms and the later part are due to verify along with the check of the densidad of the muscle. It has advised that you began to use the shoes of Pointe after sixteen. After beginning their use the dancers must practice vigorous by you would release hours to construct their force. If he is compared to the rest of the classes of soccer football of the sports it is the unique game that requires more force than ballet.
Almost the eighty percent of ballet dancers obtains damaged in a certain point of the time whereas it is realized. Some movements are so outside natural range that it can take to the unhealthy tension in the body and if done correctly cannot give rise to serious consequences. Many nascent ones obtain to injuries of knee and fractures of the shinbone if they do not make the exercise, that is deeply doubling the knees of a correct way. The exercises of the heating must be done before beginning the practice or the operation. Other surrounding conditions are due to take well-taken care of from and the things like hard floor, cold temperature and the uncomfortable clothes must be always avoided.
Another important subject with the ballet dancers is that it hopes that they have a thin figure and they must be in the slightest side because some dances require dancers to create an illusion of the floatation. In order to maintain a body beautiful, the dancers begin to put on a diet and develop sometimes you disorder of consumption such as bulimia, anorexy or nervosa. In order to keep far from consumption and to sometimes control its weight that many dancers change to smoke. They find that this less exhausting method and that one are the reason for which the forty percent of the ballet dancers both men as well as women is smoker. This one is an edition of serious health that has serious consequences later while still alive. If the dances control their diets to the most distant degree they are also in the danger to risk the required force.
But when it is done correctly and according to the rules, it can act like great program of training of the force. Many athletes take to ballet classes per hours to make their stronger bones and muscles and more flexible body. But the ballet dancers have very resistant competition and the security in the use is also very low. This adds to its tension.
Another one dances forms such as modern ballet, contemporary ballet and the dance of the jump of the hip are classic works basically inspired of ballets.
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